About FFC Hosting

About us

FFCHosting.org is a project of Free For Charity. After seeing how small nonprofits were often unaware of the resources available to them as it related to technology and observing how charities were preyed upon while in the up to 18 months leading up to IRS 501(c)3 designation; Free For Charity was founded to help charities avoid these costly problems and focus on doing the great work they need to do. If you donโ€™t need a domain name today but want to support us please share this page or donate directly so we can provide more and more services to non-profits

Our Mission

Free for Charity has a simple mission with broad implications. Reduce costs and increase revenues for nonprofits; putting that money back into their charitable mission where it belongs. This charity for charities seeks to replace as many functions as possible that current nonprofits pay for to for-profit companies with free or at cost work from our campus, on site projects, or partnerships with other entities.

Full Cycle Training

full cycle training and workshop programs to develop the needed talent by leveraging the growing use of telecommuting and information technology from a campus environment. Free for Charity trains both the in-house staff of existing charities, as well as direct employees and volunteers of Free for Charity who will then perform work for charities as out of house consultants. Cultivation of information technology and business skills is the charitable purpose and the net result of Free for Charity. As part of the educational mission Free for Charity trainees engage local residents, small businesses, and pre 501c3 charities to build up the skills needed to work on complex non-profit projects.


Chris Rae has been a mentor for the Buena High School robotics team for the three years I have been involved with the team. His service to the team continues to be vital to the growth of the team. He uses his knowledge and expertise to teach our young programmers what they need to be successful in our program and beyond. His work with Free for Charity has also benefited the team in many ways, including the donation of several computers to the team. I rely on his knowledge of non-profit organizations and the community as well as his technical ability constantly.

Nathan Bogardt

Head Coach, FRC Team 1726

When the Grafton Historical Society started in 2016, we needed a web presence. But as a new non-profit organization, we did not have any funds. As we searched for non-profit support services, we found Free for Charity. Free for Charity was able to provide and setup our domain and web site builder at no cost for us. The sign-up process was easy and I was able to create and publish our site right away. When I needed help, the Free for Charity team was always there to assist me. A year later, we still rely on Free for Charity and we use the funds we save towards the preservation of history for Grafton, Wisconsin.

John Bernd

Board Member, Grafton Historical Society