About FFC Hosting
About us
FFCHosting.org is a project of Free For Charity. After seeing how small nonprofits were often unaware of the resources available to them as it related to technology and observing how charities were preyed upon while in the up to 18 months leading up to IRS 501(c)3 designation; Free For Charity was founded to help charities avoid these costly problems and focus on doing the great work they need to do. If you donโt need a domain name today but want to support us please share this page or donate directly so we can provide more and more services to non-profits
Our Mission
Free for Charity has a simple mission with broad implications. Reduce costs and increase revenues for nonprofits; putting that money back into their charitable mission where it belongs. This charity for charities seeks to replace as many functions as possible that current nonprofits pay for to for-profit companies with free or at cost work from our campus, on site projects, or partnerships with other entities.